An assortment of internet links:
An amazing instrument called the Daxophone made by Hans Reichel that sounds like this. (Thanks to Alan Wilkinson)
A great party in London: Beauty & The Beat
A band like no other and an endless source of inspiration The Sun Ra Arkestra
Long form recordings of music for dinner parties
Field recordings from all over the world / travelling with a pair of headphones at Radio Aporee
The Colundi Sequence online honeycomb instrument
Interesting people talking at podcast
Norman McLaren - Synchromy
Norman McLaren explains his technique
Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD
Planet earth radio stations on demand, geolocated. Dig. Radio Garden
The very cool Center for Visual Music
Online inspirograph
The resourceful European free improvisation pages
If you'd like to learn about Electronic music this is pretty decent
Random Poem Generator
An amazing instrument called the Daxophone made by Hans Reichel that sounds like this. (Thanks to Alan Wilkinson)
A great party in London: Beauty & The Beat
A band like no other and an endless source of inspiration The Sun Ra Arkestra
Long form recordings of music for dinner parties
Field recordings from all over the world / travelling with a pair of headphones at Radio Aporee
The Colundi Sequence online honeycomb instrument
Interesting people talking at podcast
Norman McLaren - Synchromy
Norman McLaren explains his technique
Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD
Planet earth radio stations on demand, geolocated. Dig. Radio Garden
The very cool Center for Visual Music
Online inspirograph
The resourceful European free improvisation pages
If you'd like to learn about Electronic music this is pretty decent
Random Poem Generator